HANDS OFF MY BRIDE: Scarred Angels MC Page 12
Adam’s neighborhood was up and coming, but in the best way possible. Late on a Saturday night and the city streets weren’t packed or crowded, but they had some life to them. Bars and restaurants had their windows open and music and conversation bled into the street making everything feel more light and alive. Men and women smoked at an outdoor cafe and a young man strummed his guitar and hummed a tune as Dakota stepped off the bike. She took the helmet off and shook her loose hair, hoping the ride hadn’t done too much damage.
“This way,” Adam said, jerking his head to the left, but Dakota missed the closeness they shared on the bike, his strong body pressed against hers. So she reached out with her hand to find his, and was grateful when he took it, and squeezed, giving her a smile.
“So, I’m finally going to see your house,” Dakota said getting into step with him. “Should I be nervous?”
“I hope not. It’s at least clean, I can tell you that. My uncle was obsessed with housekeeping, and most of my chores involved mopping and dusting. But he did teach me that it’s worth the extra effort to have a clean house.”
“Seems like a good man.” Dakota said. They came upon a modern-looking Philadelphia row house, a white stone stoop leading up to a green door. The house was red brick and there were carefully tended plants growing outside; she wondered if Adam gardened.
Undoing about three different locks, Adam opened the door. An alarm started beeping and Dakota watched as he entered the code, re-arming the system and then locking the doors.
“You’re rather careful,” she said.
“I’m protecting precious cargo,” he answered.
They were in a small, but tasteful living room. The walls were painted white, and the floors were a dark hardwood. Adam had a red couch facing a large flat screen TV. Behind that room was the kitchen. Dakota could see a table with papers strewn across and a refrigerator and a small slice of backyard. Behind her was a set of steps that led to the second floor.
“Your house is very nice,” Dakota said as Adam began picking up a magazine that had been left on the couch.
“Well, my home theater is not nearly as nice as yours, but I like it.”
Dakota smiled and unzipped her jacket, handing it to Adam who hung it up.
“Do you want anything, a glass of water, a drink?”
“A glass of water would be great, and a drink would be great too, but...”
“What?” he asked.
“Would it be okay if I took a shower? I’m all gross from that parking garage,” she said, motioning to her legs, which were covered in dirt.
“Yeah, sure. It’s upstairs. I’ll show you.”
Adam led the way upstairs and as she walked, Dakota took a moment to survey the pictures on the walls. There was a young Adam with messy hair standing next to a bike, wrench in hand, smiling proudly. Another one of an older Adam standing with a bunch of men in matching leather jackets and beards, all staring intensely into the camera. She wondered how anyone could be both of those things at the same time. A happy smiling boy who likes to work with his hands, and a member of Scarred Angels, a bodyguard and muscle for hire.
Adam’s room was painted grey and there was a soft carpet on the floor. He had a large wrought iron bed made up with grey sheets. There was a dresser in the corner and the closet door was slightly open revealing its contents to Dakota. She wanted to go in there; she wanted to root around and figure Adam Mendel out. But politeness prevailed and she confined herself.
“Do you want something to wear tonight?” he asked and Dakota nodded. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to Tony’s Gym and laid them both on the bed.
Dakota could not stop staring at him. How could she have ever thought his large presence a burden or nuisance? He was so strong and smooth and confident. She felt so safe with him. She wasn’t nervous or afraid, which was odd considering what had happened less than an hour ago. But it was like she had given all of her fear to Adam and he was holding it for her, telling her that she didn’t have to be afraid when he was there because there was nothing he could not handle. He would always protect her.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Dakota asked and Adam froze. She didn’t say anything else. She just looked at him. She wasn’t afraid or worried about what he was going to say. It didn’t matter, she was with him, they were together, and that was all that mattered. She just needed to know why.
“I was told not to contact you,” Adam said.
“What? By whom?” Dakota asked.
“James Hastings. He said the contract was over and that we should delete all of your personal information and have no more contact since the contract was over. I tried to visit you in the hospital, but they wouldn’t let me, said I wasn’t family.”
“I didn’t know,” Dakota said. She could feel her heart breaking. She could see Adam being turned away at the hospital, being told not to speak with her anymore. “James shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t ask him to.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” he asked.
“When I didn’t hear from you…I just figured that the job was over and you were done. That it was just a one-time thing,” Dakota answered.
“That’s what I thought, too, and after what you said to the police...” Adam said, walking over to her and taking her hand in his, he squeezed it gently and looked down at Dakota. “I wanted to call you. I kept your number in my phone.”
“I lied to the police because it’s none of their business. You have to understand that if you want to spend time with me; people care about the details of my life. I don’t know why, but they do; news sites report on who I’m dating and it sucks. I have no privacy. I can’t afford to make mistakes. Besides, with what we had, the details seem so tawdry, but it wasn’t. It was special, to me anyway, and I didn’t want a bunch of gossip rags discussing it on the seven o’clock entertainment news.”
Adam chuckled and said, “Fair enough.” He leaned forward and kissed her, and Dakota fell into the kiss and his arms like a thirsty man falls into a lake. He swept her up in his arms, running his hands over her back and she brought her hand up to his face, caressing his cheek, and avoiding the places where he had been hit.
“Take a shower with me?” she whispered, her forehead pressed against his. He nodded and it was Dakota who took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
Adam ran the tap and turned to Dakota who was lifting off her dress, a task Adam was only too eager to help her with, pulling the dress over her head and tossing it aside. He went to remove his own shirt and winced involuntarily at the pain the movement caused in his ribs.
“Oh no,” Dakota said softly, running her fingers lightly over the bruises. “I’m so sorry you’re hurt.”
“It’ll heal,” he sighed as Dakota’s hands found their way to this belt. She quickly undid the clasp and unzipped his pants. Adam kicked off his shoes and took off his pants and boxers in one motion. He watched as she reached her arms around and undid her bra, letting the garment fall to the floor. Finally she stepped out her black panties and reached over with her hand to test the water, adjusting the temperature and then stepping inside.
She felt the warm water hit her skin, pour over her face and down her chest and back, massaging her and soothing her. When she opened her eyes, she could see Adam staring at her and she held her hand out, beckoning him to join her. He stepped into the warm shower, standing underneath the spray, letting the water hit him as steam fill the bathroom. Dakota leaned against him, putting her head against his chest, feeling the warm water pour over him and onto her. Adam stroked her arms with his hands, leaning down to kiss her on her cheek.
She looked up at him, and then their lips met. He kissed her deeply, pulling her close, her body pressed against his erection as their tongues mingled and Dakota moaned at his touch and leaned against him. She pulled away and gave him a smile as she reached for the soap. It smelled like spices, and something else – it smelled like Adam. Lathering the
bar up in her wet hands Dakota took great pleasure in running her soapy hands over his strong shoulders and well-defined abs. She brought the soap up and around his neck, massaging him where she felt tension, and then turned him around. She ran her hands up and down his back and then lower, allowing herself to caress his toned ass, making him shudder from the touch and turn around to face her. Dakota looked him in the eye and then brought her hands lower and lower, soaping up his lower stomach and then lower, her fingers wrapping gently around his penis and moving up and down. She watched as Adam closed his eyes and sighed, steadying himself against her shoulders.
She continued to glide her hands around his member, occasionally going lower and massaging his balls gently in her hands. But even though her touch was light and teasing, he grew quickly beneath her fingers, whispering her name with every touch. Finally he opened his eyes and smiled down at her. He kissed her as he took the soap from her, moving the lather up and down her arms, and then his strong hands were gently spreading the soap over her chest, taking her breasts in his hands and caressing them, running his fingers over her nipples and that sensitive area between her breasts. His slippery fingers glided over her skin, his touch tantalizing and tempting. He reached lower and massaged her stomach and then turned Dakota around.
He brought his hands up to her neck and began to massage her. His wet hands moved effortlessly over her skin while digging in and relaxing her muscles at the same time. Dakota sighed and leaned her head to the right as he leaned down to kiss her neck. She could feel his light stubble across her sensitive skin and she leaned into him as he kissed and nibbled and bit his way down her neck and across her shoulders. He pulled her back against him and she felt his erection on the small of her back, the sensation making her tremble with the memory of their last encounter.
Still facing away from him, Dakota leaned back onto him, and as he kissed her neck, she felt his hand caress her breast and then her belly and then lower as he stroked her inner thigh. Dakota moaned and leaned against him and was rewarded with his finger, sliding between and into her. She shuddered and gasped as his fingers grazed her sensitive inner flesh. He was slow and dedicated, his hand moving gently stroking up and down as she whispered yes and pressed back against him.
He moaned and bit her shoulder and whispered, “I want you.”
Dakota felt dizzy from heat of the Adam’s touch. She didn’t know up from down. All she knew was that she ached for him, her body craving his touch. The water had run all the soap from them, and they were clean and wet and warm. Adam turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing a towel. Dakota went to do the same, but he stopped her. He brought the towel to her skin and began to dry her off, running it up and down her legs and arms, over her breasts and her ass. The sensation of the soft towel on her skin made her shiver, and she watched as Adam dried himself off and gave her his hand to steady as she stepped out of the shower.
Her hand in his, he led her to the bedroom where he kissed her deeply, and his erection pressed against her stomach. He was taller than Dakota and she struggled to maintain her balance. As he pulled her against him, she was on her tiptoes, Adam practically holding her in the air. Then, smiling a wicked smile, he began to push her back until her butt was pressed against his dresser. He brought his hand up and grazed her cheek and then swept her up, holding her tiny frame in his arms, and sitting her down on top of his dresser.
The cool wood sent a shock through Dakota that was almost as strong as the shock of Adam picking her up so effortlessly. Putting a hand on each knee, Adam pulled her legs apart and moved himself between her. He kissed her as his erection pushed itself against her. Dakota wanted to feel him inside of her, and she took his penis in her hand and he grabbed her legs and lifted them up as she led him inside of her. She felt a shock as his member pushed against her walls, straining and stretching her. It took a moment for her body to adjust and Adam, always aware, went slowly at first, pushing into her and pulling out in even and slow motions.
It felt so good. Every time he entered her he seemed to find a way to go even deeper inside of her. Dakota was pushed back against the wall, Adam’s hands on her legs controlling her, controlling the thrust and the speed. But everything he was doing was right. His thrusts, when he entered her, were hitting that spot inside of her. Every time his penis brushed against it, Dakota moaned with pleasure, and, hearing her, Adam began to speed up thrusting into her faster and harder.
“Yes,” she cried, “yes please. It feels so good.” She could feel her orgasm growing, so tantalizing and teasing. She writhed her hips under Adam, encouraging him to touch her. As they moved together, their bodies worked towards the same goal. Dakota cried out and pushed against him, her orgasm growing until she was sure it was going to be too much, that it would be too powerful and she wouldn’t be able to control herself.
He pushed and she cried out and begged for more, encouraging him, saying anything that came to her mind, the filter portion of her brain having been turned off in the shower. With every thrust she got closer and closer, aware of every inch of him inside of her. She felt as it came to a crescendo as she writhed uncontrollably beneath him as his fast thrust pushed her further past anything she had ever known before. She was so close, she couldn't move, her every nerve ending on fire, all she could do was watch as Adam pushed into her, and then she cried out his name as her orgasm blasted through her, carrying her, forcing her body to convulse as she gripped his shoulders. Adam looked at her let out a loud moan as she felt him plunge deeply into her and he stayed close as she rode her orgasm until there was nothing left.
She had forgotten that she was on a dresser. When Dakota opened her eyes it took her a moment to remember where she was, but there was Adam’s face, leaning against her, still inside of her, taking deep breaths. Finally, he pulled himself out and Dakota stood shakily on her feet. But it was only for a moment. Adam’s bed was right there and together the two of them fell into it crawling up to the head and resting on the pillows.
“I missed you,” Adam said.
“Me or that?” Dakota asked with a giggle.
“Both,” Adam responded. They lay on their backs, their legs and torsos touching, holding hands on Adam’s chest.
Dakota looked at him, his eyes closed, his breathing deep and she thought about how lucky she was to have met him. As sleep overtook her, she could only wish they had met under better circumstances.
Dakota woke to Adam’s strong arm wrapped around her. The morning light was pouring through an open window and she could hear the soft sounds of birds chirping and children playing somewhere far away. She settled deeper into his embrace and felt his arm hold her tighter. His room was simple, but not in a bad way. It was clean and neat. There were framed photos of Adam and his friends on the wall with a copy of the approval for his club, mounted and framed. Dakota smiled at having a loan approval letter framed and hung on the wall. She realized she had never met anyone like Adam – someone who had truly come from nothing, worked for everything he had, and now was getting to enjoy his success. It was her dream. All of her charity work focused on poor and impoverished people, on giving them the chance at something better. But she still understood how hard it was for them, how much harder they had to work than she ever would.
Dakota turned over and looked at Adam’s sleeping face. There was light stubble on his cheeks and Dakota took her hand and stroked his cheek and he sighed.
“What time is it?” he mumbled, his eyes still closed.
“Early, only about eight thirty,” Dakota answered, kissing him on his forehead. “Go back to sleep.” His breath became deep and even almost instantly. Dakota smiled at how easily he could fall back asleep. But she was too awake for sleep to claim her.
Her mind was already racing. She hadn’t told anyone what had happened yet, not the police or her father. Part of her didn’t want to. She didn’t want to reopen the investigation. Everything had become easier since they had closed it. Dako
ta could drive herself around and, even more importantly, her father had stopped worrying. He was still recovering and she didn’t want this to cause him any stress. He still looked so weak and feeble when she visited him in the hospital.
Carefully she pulled herself away from Adam and out of the bed. Their clothes were still in piles on the bathroom floor as Dakota took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. Falling asleep with her hair wet had resulted in the nest of hair currently on top of her head, and she used some water and Adam’s brush to try to contain it. When she was out of the bathroom, Adam was still asleep, and Dakota didn’t want to wake him. He needed his rest; he was still recovering from the injuries he got from protecting her. So on her own she went back downstairs. As she walked, Dakota appreciated his house. It was on a small side street and his least-facing living room was filled with sunlight. The windows were open, making his entire house bright and airy. Dakota couldn’t really open her windows in her apartment. She was too far up and she didn’t realize how much she missed the fresh air until that moment.